ggggccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg sets the modes that you request.
You must call ggggccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg for ccccmmmmooooddddeeee, RRRRGGGGBBBBmmmmooooddddeeee, aaaaccccssssiiiizzzzeeee, sssstttteeeennnnssssiiiizzzzeeee, mmmmssssssssiiiizzzzeeee,
mmmmuuuullllttttiiiimmmmaaaapppp, oooonnnneeeemmmmaaaapppp, oooovvvveeeerrrrllllaaaayyyy, and uuuunnnnddddeeeerrrrllllaaaayyyy to take effect. ggggccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg attempts
to honor these requests. In case of insufficient resources, the request
is rounded to the nearest available. Use ggggeeeettttggggddddeeeesssscccc(((()))) to determine maximum
resources availableness. Use ggggeeeettttggggccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg(((()))) to find out what the current
configuration is.
ggggccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg sets the color for each draw mode to zero. It sets the writemask
for each draw mode to the number of bitplanes available in that draw
mode. It does not change the contents of the color map. If the display
mode is in double buffer mode, the backbuffer is enabled and the
frontbuffer is disabled.
ggggccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg resolves mode requests for all draw modes, regardless of the